First Choice Attendant Services, LLC
"Caring for you and your loved ones"
A Home Care Agency
1836 St. Bernard Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70116
First Choice Attendant Services is an agency dedicated to providing quality health care to individuals with physical and mental disabilites. First Choice Attendant Services is committed to provide the highest quality of care services to children, adult, and elderly individuals with developmental and/or chronic disabilities which interfers with their activities and daily living.
Services Provided:
PCA (Personal Care Attendant)
These services provide assistance to adults and children with physical and/or mental disabilites. Services are provided to assist individuals with their daily living activites. Recipients of the Medical Waiver Programs are eligible for this service.
EPSDT/PCS Ages 0-21 (Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Personal Care Services
These services are offered to any individual who receives Medicaid and is under the age of 21. Personal Care Services are provided for individuals in their place of residence. Services include dressing, bathing, eating, and activities of daily living that are essential to the consumer.
LTC-PCS Age 21-99 (Long Term Personal Care)
This program will enable elderly and disabled individuals who require nursing home level of care to remain in their own homes. Assistance is provided up to 32 hours per week. An individual assessment will determine the client’s need. Assistance may be the actual performance of the task for the individual or supervision and prompting the tasy by him/herself.